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Golf in Northwest Indiana / Southwest Michigan :: Michiana Golf Golf Michiana "Offers for Golfers": How it Works

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Answers to the most frequently asked "Offers for Golfers" questions.

What do I receive?

You'll receive full access to all the Golf Michiana "Offers for Golfers" through the secure "Registered Users Only" section of the website -- containing golf discount certificates, details / instructions for each offer, and golf course information. As a Registered User, each "Offers for Golfers" certificate will be personalized exclusively for you which you are then welcome to use in any quantity -- as many as your spouse will allow.

What Golf Courses are participating?

Beechwood Golf Course, Blackthorn Golf Club, Blossom Trails Golf Club, Briar Leaf Golf Club, Cedar Lake Golf Course, Diamond Springs Golf Course, Eastern Hills Golf Course, Grand Prairie Golf Course, Hickory Ridge Golf Course, LYNX GC, Milham Park Golf Course, Olde Mill Golf Club, Orchard Hills Country Club, Pebblewood Country Club, Pine View Golf Club, Red Arrow Golf Course, Ridgeview Golf Course, Scherwood Golf Course, St. Joe Valley Golf Club, Swan Lake Resort, Woodbury Golf Course, and many other "Golfer-Friendly" businesses.

Can I use each offer more than once?

You can print and use as many "Offers for Golfers" as you are able to squeeze into the term of your Pass (ie 7-Day, 30-Day, or Season). While many offers are designed for one Golfer, others can be used by up to a Foursome.

What is the catch? Are there any restrictions?

No catch, however, each offer can vary regarding the days of the week and/or times of the day that the offer is valid. Most are flexible during the week and many allow weekend play with some time restrictions. Please review the "Fine Print" section of each offer.

Additionally, an offer may be discontinued or adjusted based upon the season, schedule or at anytime as conditions warrant. For example, if a course has a 7-Day tournament, they may need to discontinue their offer. In another example, peak-season rates are typically different than pre-season rates which may alter the value of a certificate and/or the "Fine Print". As an online product, rather than print, these offers can be adjusted to find that perfect middle-ground where it's helpful for the golfer as well as for the golf course.

What are the general rules of use?

Please be courteous and respectful of the course management and follow all posted course rules. Generally speaking, appropriate golf attire and softspikes are required.

Who would be interested in these?

Everyone! These "Offers for Golfers" make playing golf affordable once again and appeal to every golfer regardless of ability. Our "Season Pass" provides an entire season of golfing enjoyment!

How/Where can I order these?

Orders can be placed quickly & easily on-line: Order Yours -- with any major credit card or by way of an e-Check.

How will my order be delivered?

Once your order is processed and payment verified, you will be e-mailed login details to access the secure "Registered Users Only" section of the website. Once in, you are welcome to print any and all "Offers for Golfers" that you wish to use.

Any additional discounts available?

YES! We are working with numerous businesses that are in the process of writing offers. Once the paperwork has been completed, we will add their offers to the program and send an e-mail to you for purposes of notification.

Do you know of a business that should be a participant? Please have them contact us.

How long are the "Offers for Golfers" valid?

Most "Offers for Golfers" are valid for the entire Golf Season, subject to use within 7 days from your printing a certificate. Some offers may end sooner than others -- this is detailed in the "Fine Print" section of each certificate.

Do I need to make Tee Times at each course?

Reserving a Tee Time is strongly recommended to ensure availability, and several offers do list Tee Times as a requirement.

Are walk-ons OK?

Many courses will allow walk-ons if an opening exists.

Can we use this in our league or at an outing?

Typically, no.

Are credit cards ok?

Yes, all major credit cards are accepted.

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Offers for Golfers
Featured Offer
Milham Park Golf Course
Golf Course Rating
Milham Park
Golf Course

Kalamazoo, MI
One Round of Golf AND Cart: $50
~ Anytime ~
Holidays Excluded
Order Your
Pass Today
Discount Value: Up to $26.00
see offer for
"fine print"
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Offers for Golfers
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