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If it wasn't for the great golf jokes, much of our time might be spent cursing!

Michiana Golf :: Serving Golfers in Northwestern Indiana / Southwestern MichiganWe love it! We hate it!  Golf is the ultimate love/hate relationship!

Everyday, we will offer a new golf joke to keep you laughing!

While some jokes will indeed be new, many are "tried and true" versions that have been causing laughter for many a golf season.

Many thanks to those kind enough to share the chuckles.  Keep them coming!

Do you have a joke to share?  Please contact us.

Today's Golf Joke
John comes home after his regular Wednesday afternoon golf game and his wife asks why he no longer golfs with his friend Bob.

John asks, "Would you play with a guy who swears constantly and cheats?"

"Heavens no," replied his wife.

"Apparently ..." says John, "Bob wouldn't either."

Bonus Humor
"The trouble that most of us find with the modern matched sets of clubs is that they don't really seem to know any more about the game than the old ones did."

- Robert Browning

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Offers for Golfers
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Diamond Springs Golf Course
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Diamond Springs GC
Hamilton, MI
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Holidays: N/A

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