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  Notre Dame, Indiana Golf Courses  
Notre Dame Golf Course, Notre Dame, Indiana - Course Information:

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Golf Course Holes Par Yards
~ Back Tees ~
Slope Rating
Notre Dame Golf Course
US 933 & Dorr Rd
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Public CoursePublic Golf Course

9 35 3,211 116 36
See: Burke Memorial Golf
Course at Notre Dame

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Notre Dame, Indiana, a little more ...

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Notre Dame is an unincorporated community northeast of South Bend in St. Joseph County; it includes the campuses of three colleges: the University of Notre Dame, Saint Mary's College, and Holy Cross College.

Unincorporated communities do not have a municipal government. Notre Dame's government entities are the U.S. post office and the colleges' police forces. All colleges and universities in Indiana are entitled to an independent police force by law. The University of Notre Dame also has its own fire department and supplies its own water and power utilities.

Holy Cross Village at Notre Dame is a growing retirement community offering continuing care in Notre Dame, Indiana. It is owned by the Brothers of Holy Cross and managed by the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago Service Corporation.

Notre Dame, Indiana is also the home of three major headquarters of Holy Cross religious communities. On the campus of Saint Mary's College the Sisters of the Holy Cross have their Congregational Administration. The Holy Cross College campus is the location of the Provincial Offices of two provinces of the Congregation of Holy Cross: the Midwest Province of Brothers and the Indiana Province of Priests and Brothers.

Notre Dame, Indiana crosses the unincorporated townships of Clay and Portage.

Additional information provided by: Wikipedia

Course Updates & Corrections:Golf in Northwest Indiana / Southwest Michigan :: Michiana GolfReturn to the Top

In general terms, a golf course may make modifications anywhere from numerous times a season ... to once a decade, if ever, and while we make efforts to ensure accuracy, it is possible that the information listed for this course may have become dated.

As a result, we strongly recommend that you call the Pro Shop regarding conditions / tee times before driving to the golf course and consider touring the course before your round.

If you are a member of this course's management team or a frequent player and you have noticed an error, omission, etc., contact us so we may update our records.

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